This Privacy Policy details how Living Well Solutions deals with your personal information and has been developed in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) (Privacy Act) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act (Commonwealth) 2013 (NDIS Act).

It has also been established in support of the principles of the NDIS Code of Conduct

That providers should respect and protect the privacy of everyone that receives supports and services from them, or provides those supports and services.

By providing your personal information to us directly or indirectly you accept the

terms of this Privacy Policy.  We will only collect sensitive information with your consent. Living Well Solutions will not share this information with any third parties

without your consent.


The purpose of collecting the information is for determining eligibility for Living Well Solutions and were approved, to become a resident and to help with transitioning and maintaining your accommodation with us. The staff of Living Well Solutions will ask for your written consent to work with third parties to make this process as smooth as possible. We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which it was given to us, or for purposes which are directly related to the provision of our services.

  1.  Collection of Sensitive Information

To provide our services or to respond to inquiries about our services, we may be required to collect and hold your sensitive information including disability and health and support information requirements. We will limit the collection of sensitive information to the minimum amount required in the circumstances. Where possible, we will collect your personal information directly from you or your nominated representatives. However, there may be circumstances in which we need to collect your information from other people or organisations. For example, if you have asked us to liaise with your Support Co-ordinator or Occupational Therapist about equipment requirements, we may collect information about you or your needs from these service providers. Living Well Solutions will seek your approval in writing to liaise with nominated services and people that support you to assist with the services that we provide you.

  1.  How information is collected and stored

We may collect personal information from you in a range of ways including:

– When you enquire, apply or receive services or supports.

– When you contact us in person, by phone, via mail or online (or when we contact you through any means)

– We will not sell your personal information and will take all reasonable steps to ensure any necessary handling of your information will comply with this Privacy Policy.

– Storage of your information and personal details and information are only accessible by authorised personnel who are fully aware of your rights and the Privacy Policy of Living Well Solutions. All information is stored securely in either paper or electronic form in accordance with the Privacy Act.

– If we no longer need your personal information, unless we are required under

Australian law or a court or tribunal order to retain it, we will take reasonable steps

to destroy, securely delete, or de-identify your personal information as appropriate.

  1.  The type of information that might be collected

Living Well Solutions may collect information from you if you are interested in obtaining or finding out more about our services, or if you are a person representing someone who may require our services. The amount and type of personal information we collect and hold depends on your dealings with us.

We consider representatives to be people who are professionally engaged to represent a person, or a family member or friend/advocate who may be acting on behalf of another.

The personal information we collect may include:

– Name, address, telephone, and email contact details.

– Date of birth, gender, marital status, emergency contact details.

– NDIS/SDA or other funding plan details including the services you are funded to receive or funding renewal details.

– Contact person’s contact information such as a Support Co-ordinator, Allied Health professional or Family Member.

– Medical information or other assessment information provided by you or your representative.

– Information about your disability/health and support needs.

– Organisation or NDIS Government agencies identifiers/numbers.

– Information about the services we provide to you, your goals and other plans relating to the services and your rental billing/SDA funding details.

  1.  Disclosure of personal information

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary for us to disclose your personal information to third parties in order to assist us in providing our services, or where disclosure is required by us to meet our legal and regulatory obligations. Third parties may include:

– Government agencies and departments including the NDIS, peak bodies, and

service planners and disability SDA auditors who ensure that we meet compliance

as an SDA provider;

– Supported Independent Living providers (and your Family Members and/or Health

Professionals, with consent);

– If you engage with The Housing Hub

– Government and law enforcement agencies and regulators

We may also disclose your personal information to anyone authorised by you, or to whom you have provided your consent (either expressly or impliedly) or where another permitted general situation applies (as defined in Section 16A of the Privacy Act).

We will not disclose information that personally identifies you to any third party other than as set out in this Privacy Policy.

  1.  Access to your personal information

You may access the information we hold about you. Please write to us if you wish to access your information at [email protected] In order to protect information we will require identification.

  1.  Updates

From time to time this policy may change in accordance with best practice and also legislative changes for SDA providers. We recommend that people keep up to date with any changes to our privacy policy by contacting Living Well Solutions by email or phone.

  1. Accuracy of your information

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information held by us is accurate, complete and up to date. If you believe that any of your personal information is inaccurate, please contact us using the below contact details and we will update your information.

  1. Adherence to notifiable data breach legislation

Living Well Solutions is committed to best practice in ensuring all data and information is contained, forms and general communications between participants, stakeholders, government departments and contractors adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 (Comm). If there was a breach of privacy Living Well Solutions adheres to the requirements of Notifiable Data Breach legislation as part of the Privacy Act.  This means that if a breach of data privacy does occur we are committed to completing an assessment with 3 working days, well within the 30 days requirements of the legislation.  If a breach is deemed to have occurred and is likely to result in serious harm to an individual affected, the individual and the Australian Information Commissioner will be notified. We would include in the notification our organisation and contact details and a description of the data breach and the kinds of information concerned. Living Well Solutions would also outline recommendations it would make about steps individuals should take in response to the data breach. Living Well Solutions would notify the Commissioner should be made using the Notifiable Data Breach form.  More information about this relatively new privacy requirement can be found through the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

9. Feedback

If you have any privacy questions, queries or concerns please feel free to contact us to discuss it further by phoning 0434 618 136  or by emailing [email protected]


10. Further Information about Privacy legislation/requirements

There are Government organisations that can also provide you with additional information about the management of your information or if you have concerns about how your privacy is managed by Living Well Solutions you can contact the following services.

NDIS directly via email to [email protected] or call Ph: 1800 800 110.

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) 1300 363 992 [email protected]

The specific legislation that informs this privacy policy includes the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) (NDIS Act).